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Welcome to the Road Dog Podcast: Adventure with Luis Escobar. Please feel free to adventure around and listen at will.

Jan 25, 2021

“And so if you’ve been coaching for 3 years, you don’t have enough experience. You haven’t seen enough weird stuff.”

Mike and Tammy Hartman are High School teachers and coaches. They discuss what it’s like to be a teacher and what it takes to be a High School athlete and a coach. Hear about Mike’s near...

Jan 18, 2021

“I knew I didn’t want the quintessential American Dream, white picket fence, C-level job and retirement.”

Chris Clemens is a distance runner and world traveler who joins Luis from Thailand. He shares his love of McDonalds, Rotary Clubs, and how he got started running. Chris also chats about life in Thailand and...

Jan 11, 2021

“It dawned on us that what we were doing was combining two of our loves and passions, history and trail running.”

Tim Twietmeyer, Elke Reimer, Jennifer Hemmen, and Bob Crowley make up the group known as the Forlorn Hope Expedition Team. Hear the history and the experiences of retracing this historical trek 100 miles...

Jan 4, 2021

“If I’m going for anything big, I’ve learned to hone that positive energy.”

Camille Herron is American ultramarathon runner and Guinness Book World Record holder for running a marathon in a superhero costume. She is known for running with her hair down, eating tacos and having a positive attitude. Camille talks...